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Home » Sound Libraries » Splice Originals Dusty Roots Reggaeton feat. Dynasty WAV
Splice Originals Dusty Roots Reggaeton feat. Dynasty WAV

WAV | 532 MB

Brooklyn-based and internationally raised reggaeton vocalist Dynasty is finally here to serve up some heat. He brings his encyclopedic understanding of Latin music and his incredible vocal character to this floorboard-lifting sample pack. He reaches far down to the roots of reggaeton and the Dem bow break to deliver a dynamic and heartfelt performance that Splice sound designers captured and cut up into a carefully cataloged collection of loops and one-shots. This pack pays homage to the likes of Nando Boom, Bobo General, and Sleepy Wonder, but also digs deeper with everything from guitar-roots riffs to razor-barbed vocal lines to trap-influenced Reggaeton bravado.


• 178 Loops
• 161 One Shots

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 422 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: wav, Dusty, Dynasty, Roots, Originals, Feat., Splice, Reggaeton | Rating: 0.0/0
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