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Spectrasonics Omnisphere 1.5.6d WiN X86 X64
WiN X86 X64 | 33.79 GB
[All updates + Bob Moog Tribute Library]
Links update: 27/04/2019
Omnisphere is the flagship synthesizer of Spectrasonics.
After many years of development, Spectrasonics is proud to release the brand new flagship virtual instrument Omnisphere. This epic Power Synth breaks completely new sonic ground by combining a wide variety of hybrid realtime synthesis techniques, an epic library of remarkable Psychoacoustic sounds, and many innovative features that have never been seen before in any hardware or software synthesizer. The new instrument is the first to be based on Spectrasonics newly developed STEAM Engine. 
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Attention! VIP Library works ONLY at established and registered plug-in Spectrasonics Trilian.

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Category: WiN | Views: 2584 | Added by: shlyapa | Rating: 0.0/0
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