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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » SPC Plugins ArcSyn v1.7 Incl Keygen (WiN and OSX)
SPC Plugins ArcSyn v1.7 Incl Keygen (WiN and OSX)

TEAM R2R | 13.9.2016 | WiN 4.35 MB | OSX 8.29 MB

ArcSyn is a 16-voice polyphonic virtual analogue synthesizer plug-in with many unusual

No samples—all oscillator waveforms are generated from scratch.
Many unique waveforms including Sub-harmonics, Bit-Noise and FM Crossfade.
Unique LFOs feature wave sequencing and hundreds of unusual waveforms including many random types.
Powerful, self-oscillating filters based on the Oberheim Matrix 12.
Many unusual filter types like Frequency Shifter, Scramble and Multi-Alias.
Smooth, natural sound quality throughout—Oscillators and filters are 4X oversampled, all audio processing is done in 64-bit arithmetic and control signals are updated at 5500Hz or higher.
Comes with over 400 programs.
MIDI controller learn.
Easy program organisation—rearrange programs and folders using your computer's file system.

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 1116 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: ArcSyn, plugins, (Win, SPC, Keygen, OSX), and, Incl, v1.7 | Rating: 2.0/1
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