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Soundiron Canjo WAV

WAV | 53.01 MB

Canjo is a homemade single-stringed fretted instrument made from a wood stick, string tuner, and a tin can. The can resonates with a twangy and metallic tone, and sounds like a cross between a banjo and mountain dulcimer. It is typically held like a guitar, but can also be played on a table or lap. The canjo is fretted diatonically with a 12 note range, making it perfect for pluckin’ folk melodies on the back porch or around a campfire. In true Soundiron fashion, we tinkered to stretch canjo’s sonic abilities to its limits, capturing fully playable picked plucks, smooth plucks, harsh plucks, slides, bowed sustains, staccatos, and spiccatos. This canjo is equally comfortable playing traditional Americana, or masquerading as a convincing brittle viola, cheap slide guitar, or melancholy erhu.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 216 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Soundiron, wav, Canjo | Rating: 0.0/0
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