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Home » WiN » Sound Particles Air v1.1.9 Rev2
Sound Particles Air v1.1.9 Rev2

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Air is the perfect tool to simulate distance through high frequency attenuation. Use it on any DAW.

Air for Sound Effects
A close-by object doesn't sound like a faraway object. Quickly reinvent sound effects by adding depth and distance to your sounds. No need to record everything all over again.

Air for mixing
With just one knob, it is possible to accurately simulate the distance of any sound. Air will apply the exact EQ and distance attenuation necessary to make audio assets perfectly resemble real-life sonic events.

Air for Automated Dialogue Replacement
The biggest challenge of ADR is making it sound as natural as if it was recorded on the original set. Air helps in achieving a natural-sounding distance effect, so that ADR never sounds misplaced again.

Air for Music
Easily take away some presence of specific items within your projects. Let instruments breathe and mixes shine with this ready to go plugin

Several Locations
Air already includes temperature and humidity settings from different locations around the globe, from Antarctica to Death Valley, but you are always able to enter your one custom.

Perfect Result
Air is much more accurate than a simple low-pass filter, using scientifically measured frequency response values of air dampening.

Frequency Response
With Air, you can see the actual frequency response that is being applied to the sound.

Distance Attenuation
Control the volume over distance with the Distance Attenuation parameter.

World Units
Do you prefer “meters” or “feet”? “Mph" or "km/h"? Full integration with Imperial and Metric units, for an easy and more welcoming workflow for everyone.

Control Surfaces
Use control surfaces (such as AVID S6) to edit the plug-ins' parameters.
x64: VST3, AAX
Just install... (Same AppID as non-revision, previous release.)

TCD note of revision's purpose:

Ok - here's to hoping third time is the charm. Original
founding TCD member would like to thank public
for the reports and also internal for testing
reports. The few problems such as no EQ curve being
displayed, crashes when clickin in upper left GUI
and even the potential problem that never was released
of crashing on unload seems to all be resolved.

Apologies for any incovenience, but also,
no harm no foul. In the unlikely experience
that this still needs more attention, please
let a member of TCD know. @loverius or

Tested working well, in an effort to be as quality
as possible after the previous mis-steps. All hosts
listed are latest with the exception of PT:

1) Reaper
2) Pro Tools
3) All Steinberg DAWs, common old ones and all new ones.
4) Reason
5) Live (latest 11)
6) n-Track Studio
7) Sound Forge Pro
8) Blue Cat's Patchwork

Seems to be clean all around. Rock on.

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Category: WiN | Views: 123 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: v1.1.9, Sound, air, rev2, Particles | Rating: 0.0/0
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