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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » Sound Oracle Amazon For SPECTRASONiCS OMNiSPHERE 2
Sound Oracle Amazon For SPECTRASONiCS OMNiSPHERE 2

presets, patches, impulses | 294 KB

It's Official! We have Ushered in a New Era here at SoundOracle.net and decided to give the people more of what they want. That being said we have decided to expand our reach and now offer VST/Plugin 3rd Party Presets. Kickin’ it off in rare form, we’ve dropped 12 New Omnisphere Kits full of ???? with more Presets from your favorite VST/Plugins to come in the future. You guys wanted the sounds that the Pros use, and we listened and delivered.

50 Custom Presets Curated by Sound Oracle x The Innovator


•3 Arps
•2 Basses
•10 Bells
•1 Flute
•2 Guitars
•11 Keys
•1 Organ
•10 Pads
•10 Plucks

*OMNISPHERE 2.3 or Higher Required*

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Russian users - use VPN to download! Our links do not work for Russia and possibly some other countries!

Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 476 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: amazon, spectrasonics, for, Oracle, Sound, Omnisphere | Rating: 0.0/0
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