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Sound Dust Cloud Bass KONTAKT


Like the other members of the CLOUD family CLOUD BASS is made by ditching the conventional bow in favour of a ridiculous system of springs and pulleys that drag coarse industrial grade garden twine over the strings of the double bass to create a long, slowly distressed new bowing articulation.

Recorded with different microphone techniques and mixed with more conventional double bass articulations and a selection of multi sampled analogue sub bass waveforms CLOUD BASS is a very different beast to the usual orchestral or jazz double bass sample libraries.

What's inside?
- One Kontakt .nki instrument
- 60 snapshots
- 2GB of 24bit samples (uncompressed)
- Three octave keyrange - C1 to C4

Articulations - Eight deeply sampled articulations through eight 'oscillators'
- Twine 1: bowed with five meters of coarse brown garden string, five round robins per note per note - AKG C414 large diaphragm condensor mic mic
- Twine 2: bowed with five meters of coarse brown garden string, five round robins per note per note - Barcus Berry Planar contact mic
- Twine 3: bowed with five meters of coarse brown garden string, five velocity levels per note -AKG 411 contact mic
- Long Accent Bow: bowed with a real bow, five round robins per note, minimum three velocity layers per note - AKG C414 large diaphragm condensor mic
- Short Accent Bow (high): bowed with a real bow, five round robins per note - AKG C414 large diaphragm condensor mic 
- Beater - thumped lightly with drum beater, five round robins per note, five velocity layers per note - AKG C414 large diaphragm condensor mic
- Col legno: Latin for 'gently thwacked with the back of the bow', five round robins per note, minimum three velocity layers per note - AKG C414 large diaphragm condensor mic 
- Sub Bass: six selectable analogue multi sampled waveforms recorded from Moog Voyager and DSi Pro 02

FULL version of Kontakt 5.6.8 or above is required

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 615 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Birds, and, wav, room, Nature, Sound, Big | Rating: 0.0/0
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