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Sonic Academy Tech Tips Volume 53 with Protoculture TUTORiAL

TUTORiAL | 1.52 GB

Do you ever feel like you're getting nowhere even though you're wanting to be creative? Well, Protoculture's here to help out in Tech Tips Volume 53.

Do you ever feel like you're getting nowhere even though you're wanting to be creative? Well, Protoculture's here to help out in Tech Tips Volume 53.

These next series of tips are specialising in new ways to generate melodies and drums that will get your mind thinking differently, push you out of your comfort zone and ultimately get your creativity evolving and moving again.

Nate checks out various sequencing techniques, layering arps, automating different parameters and utilising modular synthesis to build randomised top lines or beats. These set of tips are all about making the workstation do some of the creative work for you.

A brilliant set of tips for all abilities that'll get you past the barriers that all producers face once in a while.

Not to be missed!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 439 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Protoculture, Tech, tutorial, Sonic, Academy, with, 53, tips, Volume | Rating: 0.0/0
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