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Home » Tutorial » Sonic Academy Mastering with Slate Everything Bundle TUTORiAL
Sonic Academy Mastering with Slate Everything Bundle TUTORiAL

SYNTHiC4TE | Nov 14 2018 | 1.54 GB
Links update: 10/01/2020

Following on from Protoculture's course in mixing with the Slate Digital Everything Bundle, Sonic Academy welcomes Nate back to guide us through how to master your track using the plugins included in this superb value-for-money bundle!

Starting with a detailed and in-depth overview of each of the plugins aimed at making your tracks shine, Nate shows us the difference these professional tools can make to your masterpiece with a real-world example by firstly building your stem mix before looking at the final master chain.

Slate Digital has taken great care in emulating gear that has proved it's worth in the studio, and with an accessible monthly plan, this bundle really does have everything you need to rise above the rest when it comes to perfecting your sound.

Definitely one serious producers should get their hands on

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 1124 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Mastering, Slate, bundle, Everything, Academy, with, tutorial, Sonic | Rating: 0.0/0
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