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Home » Tutorial » Sonic Academy How To Use Bitwig Beginner Level 2 with Dom Kane
Sonic Academy How To Use Bitwig Beginner Level 2 with Dom Kane

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Over the next 13 videos, we welcome back Dom Kane, as he takes you to the next level on this masterclass journey. If you are a complete beginner or have recently changed your DAW, this course has something for everyone.

How To Use Bitwig Level 2, continues on from where Level 1 finished off. It is quite literary NEXT LEVEL !

With loads of useful knowledge for producers starting out, we begin by checking out send/return FX including reverb and delay, take a closer look frequency removal, compression and sidechain compression before making final tweaks carrying out a simple master of the track so that it can be played on various sound systems.

You will be armed with all the knowledge at the end of this course to start on your production journey, so go forth and create !

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 313 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Bitwig, How, Sonic, Kane, Academy, Level, use, to, with, Beginner, DOM | Rating: 0.0/0
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