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Home » Tutorial » Sonic Academy How To Use Arturia MicroFreak with King Unique TUTORiAL
Sonic Academy How To Use Arturia MicroFreak with King Unique TUTORiAL

SYNTHiC4TE | 2.06 GB

Long live the King! He's back with an all-new How To Use hardware tutorial, and this time he's checking out Arturia's digital-analogue algorithmic synthesiser MicroFreak.

Featuring a 12-mode digital oscillator, an analogue multimode filter, obscure envelopes and a host of sequencing options all packed into a stylish chassis this cost-effective box of tricks has tons of potential.

In his own 'unique' style, Matt takes a detailed and in-depth look at how this very different machine works, and how to make the most of its creative ability.

This is a synth that not only bears a resemblance to multiple synths in one but is also an oddity that is like no other. There's no doubt that anyone who gets their hands on one of these is going to have a ton of fun.

Unlimited possibilities and features you won't find anywhere else, this is a synth and also a How To Use course that you'll want to check out!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 692 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: with, to, tutorial, Unique, Sonic, How, MicroFreak, KING, Academy, Arturia, use | Rating: 0.0/0
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