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Sonic Academy How To Make Pop with Austin Hull TUTORiAL

Team SYNTHiC4TE | 4.48 GB
Links update: 28/08/2021

Sonic Academy proudly welcomes back Austin Hull this week and following on from his previous tutorials with us, we're checking out How To Make Pop with an awesome track 'Get Gone' featuring Stella Jones on vocals.

Starting with a blank template in Cubase, Austin builds this song from the ground up with a simple but catchy chord progression followed by synth pad and lead sound design using multiple layers and percussive elements to get the initial feel and groove.

Always keeping the vocalist in mind, Austin continues to build the track with wide variety and interest using further sound design, automation of filters and effects so there is plenty for the vocalist to work from.

Once the instrumental is completed we get a fascinating insight into the production process as Austin chats with Stella Jones discussing how they collaborate, even though they are in different locations highlighting the pros and cons and giving a ton of tips and tricks on how to make this sort of artist relationship work.

Finally, we bring in the vocals and process the stems adding some dope techniques to help them shine before mixing and mastering to complete the song.

This is a unique course giving a professional insight into how to work with other artists from a distance which, thanks to the digital world we live in today, is becoming more and more common.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 707 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: with, Pop, Sonic, tutorial, Academy, Hull, to, How, austin, Make | Rating: 0.0/0
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