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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » Sonic Academy ANA 2 Presets Vol 2 Future Bass MERRY XMAS
Sonic Academy ANA 2 Presets Vol 2 Future Bass MERRY XMAS

Team MATRiX | 14.11 MB

Sonic Academy is proud to preset the second preset pack for our new synth ANA 2. ANA 2 Presets Vol. 2 - Future Bass delivers 100 forward thinking presets showing you the amazing potential of this synth. A stunning collection of the deep basses, punchy leads, epic pads, and face melting wubs, to get that future bass production standing out with easy.

We have added bonus Wavetables and Arp presets to this pack that delivers big on emotion and will help you create beautiful sounding productions but is versatile to work in-house, trance and mainstage productions.

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 1277 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: vol, Bass, Sonic, Xmas, Ana, presets, Future, Merry, Academy | Rating: 0.0/0
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