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Home » Tutorial » SkillShare Writing Music 101 Changing Keys (Modulation) TUTORiAL
SkillShare Writing Music 101 Changing Keys (Modulation) TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 22 August 2018 | 589 MB

Learn the basics of changing keys, or modulating, from composer Jason Rivera. This 30-minute class covers the fundamentals of using modulation in your music—walking you through the process step-by-step. A special emphasis is given to the technique of Pivot Chord Modulation.

For your class project you will create your own chord progression in one key that modulates to a new key and then back to the original key, utilizing the fundamentals we cover in the class, and record it. Your recording doesn't have to be professional quality—a smartphone demo will work just fine.

Anyone interested in cultivating their skills as a songwriter and/or composer can benefit from this class. This class is designed for intermediate songwriters and composers. Basic knowledge of music notation, an understanding of the fundamentals of music theory, access to and the ability to play major, minor, diminished and dominant 7th chords on a chord-producing instrument, e.g., piano or guitar, is required.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 831 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Changing, Keys, writing, Skillshare, tutorial, 101, (Modulation), Music | Rating: 0.0/0
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