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Skillshare Learning How to Use Adobe Premiere Pro TUTORiAL

TUTORiAL | 2.09 GB

If you are new to whole world of video editing, video production etc, maybe you've set your sights on becoming the world's greatest YouTube superstar, or maybe you just wanna make some entertaining cat videos that have a level professionalism above the rest, if you've decided that Adobe Premiere Pro is gonna be your video editing program of choice from now on to bust out some cracking videos, then this class is going to take you through all the basic skills and techniques that you need to create great looking videos in Adobe Premiere Pro 2020.

Some of the video editing topics that will be covered are:

•Starting a New Project + Project Settings
•Learning How To Use Workspaces + Panels
•Creating Your Own Customized Workspace Layout
•The Project Panel + Creating Bins to organize everything
•An Introduction to the Timeline
•The Audio Track Mixer
•Sequence Settings
•Frame Size + Frame Rate
•Editing Talking Head Footage with Jumps Cuts
•L & J Cuts, Zoom Cuts & Broll Cuts
•Adding an Adjustment Layer
•Finding Graphics Templates for Your Project
•Basic Color Correction & Lumetri Scopes
•Color Grading: The Creative Section
•Lumetri RGB Curves: Adjusting Red, Green & Blue
•Lumetri RGB Curves: Adjusting All Colors
•Hue Saturation Curves: HUE vs HUE
•Hue Saturation Curves: HUE vs LUMA
•Hue Saturation Curves: HUE vs SAT

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 361 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Learning, Premiere, How, pro, tutorial, to, use, Skillshare, Adobe | Rating: 0.0/0
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