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Home » Tutorial » Skillshare Creating MASSIVE Guitar Tones using Amp Sims TUTORiAL
Skillshare Creating MASSIVE Guitar Tones using Amp Sims TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 20 March 2019 | 514 MB

In this class, I'll walk you through how I craft high-gain guitar tones using only software! In 2018 it is definitely possible to get realistic sounding guitar tones from amp simulators, and using a few tricks I'll show you how to achieve massive sounding tones with inexpensive software.

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I've provided the DI track I used in the class for you to create your own tones with. Upload your finished tone and let me know what sims, cabs, pedals, and other plugins you used to create it!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 610 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: massive, Skillshare, Using, Sims, Tones, AMP, tutorial, Creating, Guitar | Rating: 0.0/0
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