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Home » Tutorial » Skillshare Adobe Audition CC 101 For Podcasters TUTORiAL
Skillshare Adobe Audition CC 101 For Podcasters TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 08 April 2019 | 570 MB

How to get started podcasting with Adobe Audition CC. The beginner's guide.

This an introductory class to getting started using Adobe Audition for podcasting. This class is an overview of my podcasting workflow. This class will not teach the ins and outs of how to use Adobe Audition or how to add effects like EQ & Compression.

By the end of this class you will learn the basics of a start to finish podcast workflow:

Step 1: Setting Preferences

Step 2: Create a New File, Set Levels & Start Recording

Step 3: Introduction to Editing

Step 4: Multi-Track Sessions for Adding Intro/Outro Music

Step 5: Introduction to Essential Sound Panel

Step 6: Export Final .MP3 File

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 659 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: tutorial, Adobe, for, Podcasters, cc, Audition, Skillshare, 101 | Rating: 0.0/0
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