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ShamanStems Soviet Post-Punk Tapes WAV

WAV | 541.28 MB
Links update: 24/08/2024

Deemed ‘unofficial’ up until the mid-80’s, Soviet Post-Punk and New Wave bands had to self-distribute their records via illicit ‘magnetizdat’ tapes and were only allowed to play live shows in a handful of strictly monitored venues.

Barred from state-run studios, underground musicians had to record their works in small communal apartments, with low budget instruments and makeshift DIY gear, thus setting themselves apart from the more polished sounds coming from the West.

This collection comes fully equipped with samples scored from rare Soviet synths, worn out guitars, old handheld radios, improvised effects processors and battered up drum-machines, all tracked on cassette and reel-to-reel tapes.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 509 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: wav, post-punk, Soviet, ShamanStems, Tapes | Rating: 0.0/0
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