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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » Serum Classic Synths (Serum presets, WAV, MIDI)

Serum Classic Synths (Serum presets, WAV, MIDI)

WAV, MIDI, Serum Presets | 333 MB

We worked meticulously to bring these real analog sounds to your Serum collection—all artfully crafted to sound like the originals. A follow-up to our Serum Classic Keys collection, this pack focuses on classic synths like the Yamaha CS80, Jupiter 8, Minimoog, Moog Voyager, DX7, Juno-60, and Arp 2600.

You've heard these synths in films like Bladerunner (1982), Halloween (1978), and The Terminator (1984), to name a few, as well as in the works of artists like Trent Reznor, Stevie Wonder, Daft Punk, and so many others.

This rare collection spans and defies genres while pushing the boundaries of Serum's capabilities. If you're looking for the distinctive warm, gritty, organic quality of analog synths and the lush, expressive sounds only they can achieve, these presets have your back!

100 serum presets
93 loops
7 one shots

all MIDI have been renamed to and placed together with their corresponding loops in the loops folders for easier preview and reference

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 84 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: (Serum, Serum, Classic, Midi), presets, wav, Synths | Rating: 0.0/0
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