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Home » WiN » Schaack Audio Technologies AnalogQ v1.2.6 Incl Patched and Keygen
Schaack Audio Technologies AnalogQ v1.2.6 Incl Patched and Keygen

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AnalogQ allows you to equalize your material the analog way. While many available equalizer plugins suffer from having problems near Nyquist (half sample rate), such as distortion of the EQ shapes, AnalogQ is capable of generating an analog-like frequency response up to Nyquist while even allowing EQ center frequencies up to 30kHz, all without oversampling! The additional Natural Phase mode generates a near-perfect magnitude/phase response at the expense of very low (1ms) latency.

EQ without conventional problems when approaching Nyquist, realized without oversampling, offering a frequency response following the analog domain model very closely
Low-latency 'Natural Phase' mode adds quasi perfect phase response additionally to quasi perfect magnitude response
Pultec-style Boost/Cut Low Shelf, based on simulation of Pultec EQP-1A schematic
EQ frequencies can be adjusted up to 30kHz (except for Pultec-style Low Shelf)
Integrated highly reactive, customizable Spectrum Analyzer with dual spectrum display for input & output
Seamlessly resizeable interface
Low CPU Usage (typically less than 1% on half-decent systems)
High quality 64Bit floating point numbers processing
GPU accelerated graphics (plugin runs fast even on low-spec systems)

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Category: WiN | Views: 314 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Keygen, v1.2.6, Technologies, and, Patched, Audio, AnalogQ, Schaack, Incl | Rating: 0.0/0
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