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Home » Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill » SampleHero Peruvian Waterfall Shell Chimes KONTAKT
SampleHero Peruvian Waterfall Shell Chimes KONTAKT

FANTASTiC | 18 April 2018 | 114 MB

The authentic sound of the Rainforest! Peruvian Waterfall Shell Chimes can add a beautiful "rain-stick" like quality to your tracks instantly! Beautifully dreamy and a must-have for any project, especially world music!


Peru (officially the Republic of Peru) is a country in western South-America and in our opinion, the makers of the coolest sounding chimes on earth! The authentic sound of the Rainforest! Peruvian Waterfall Shell Chimes can add a beautiful "rain-stick" like quality to your tracks instantly! Beautifully dreamy and a must-have for any project, especially world music!

•Tons of Samples
•Create Your Own Glissandi
•Endless Waterfall Texture via Mod Wheel
•3-Band EQ
•Beautiful & Dreamy Sound
•Requires Kontakt (Full-Version) 5.6.2 or Higher
•260 MB of Disk Space

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Category: Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill | Views: 717 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Chimes, Shell, SampleHero, WATERFALL, Kontakt, Peruvian | Rating: 0.0/0
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