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Sampledelic Sounds Ambient Guitars Volume 2 WAV

WAV | 331 MB

Ambient Guitars Volume 2 from Papas St germain, is a 450MB collection of ambient guitar samples. From blissful, unusual chord progressions to one chord hits, e-bow chords, alien tones and otherworldly FX. Ambient Guitars Volume 2 is suitable with any genre of electronic music.

Many of the sounds were recorded using a vintage Music Man amplifier with delay, reverb and gentle distortion. The sounds were re-sampled, processed and manipulated in Camel Audio's Alchemy. Extensive audio mangling was applied using a range of PSP Audioware plug ins.

Some of the usual hardware suspects such as Electro Harmonix Big Muff, Akai samplers and echo and reverb units were used to add colour to the sounds which you will not find anywhere else.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 161 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Sampledelic, wav, ambient, sounds, Guitars, Volume | Rating: 0.0/0
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