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Home » Sound Libraries » Sample Tools by Cr2 Afro House and Techno WAV
Sample Tools by Cr2 Afro House and Techno WAV

WAV | 323.02 MB
Links update: 28/06/2022

Looking to capture that Afro House groove which has its own unique pulse? Do you want a combination of tech-tingled house bass lines ripened in the primordial roots of Techno? INTRODUCING: AFRO HOUSE & TECHNO! The emerging sound of tribal beats laced with techno synths and psychedelic vibes is on the rise. Inspired by the sounds of &ME, Rampa, Adam Port, Edu Imbernon and more. Afro House & Techno is an essential production toolkit for producers of all abilities and acts as a foundation for professional learning, to help you find your own unique sound.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 663 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Sample, CR2, Afro, wav, House, tools, and, Techno, by | Rating: 0.0/0
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