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Sample Magic Classic Detroit Techno WAV

WAV | 296.63 MB

Links update: 11/02/2024

Retro machine beats and raw analogue melodics printed to tape. Classic Detroit Techno takes us back to an era influenced by the 1980s and early 1990s retro-electro, thumping club drum grooves, deep and dubby chords, synth stabs and analogue mechanical sequences crafted, curated and designed to respect the sound of yesteryear with today’s forward thinking productions. Classic Detroit Techno offers a treasure trove of WAV, MIDI, drum hits and one-shots form an essential dancefloor collection.

Classic Detroit Techno pulls out classic various pieces of analogue and retro hardware to craft an authentic collection of raw and pumping tools that capture the energy of the early days of techno. The highlight of the collection is cutting all the sounds to reel-to-reel tape and printed to vinyl, to further help recreate the sound of early Techno and Electro with warm and dusty sonics.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 450 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: wav, Detroit, Sample, Classic, Magic, Techno | Rating: 0.0/0
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