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Home » Sound Libraries » Saï T Diskette Drums Vol.2 WAV
Saï T Diskette Drums Vol.2 WAV

WAV | 96 MB

What’s good fam, I’m finally bringing you volume 2 of my own drum pack. I picked up a real drum kit and microphones since the first drop, and I made sure this pack slaps even harder!

200 sounds (kicks, snares, hi-hats, claps, rimshots, basses, hi-hats loops...) in 24bit / 44.1khz WAV format.

Compatible with ALL DAW & hardware (Ableton, Logic, Reason, FL Studio, Pro Tools, MPCs, SP404, etc...)

All drum sounds were created from scratch by Saï T and ran through hardware emulation plugins for that warmth/punch.

Drum sounds from Saï T’s pocket drum kit and electric bass.

Carefully mastered, no digital clipping/over-compression.

All sounds are royalty-free. Enjoy!

What’s in the pack:

-40 kicks
-40 snares
-40 hi-hats
-20 rimshots
-20 basses
-20 hi-hat loops
-10 claps
-10 open hi-hats

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 202 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: wav, Drums, Saï, Diskette, vol.2 | Rating: 0.0/0
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