Sabroi - AS Console 1.02 for Max4Live
M4L| 283 KB
Creatively questions ideas and workflows from different console boards and adds modernized controls for the modern day producer
Get instant access to the 5 individual modules upon purchase.
Get instant access to the 5 individual modules upon purchase.
Non Linear Drive Analog Distortion
British Class A Equalizer Musical Rather Than Surgical
Single + Multiband Mode Analog Reaction Time Modeling
Multiband Stereo Effect Optimized Transient Masking
Applies Varying Levels of Gain Fits Level Within Min & Max Range
Console Overview
Non Linearity:
Non Linear Drive: exists on both Pre and Post stages + non linear modes can be chosen independently on each stage
Analog Distortion: accurate implementation of a Diode tube amp
Familiar but Unfamiliar Sound: Quickly adds subtleness to the dynamics, adding harmonics and warmth
Oversampling: offers 2x to 4x
Topology Routing: allows for unique combinations in the routing of the modules, not commonly seen in consoles
Dynamic CPU Load: bypassed modules won’t be using CPU processing power
Multiband Stereo Effect: creates stereo information via a series of complex routed delays rather than altering the actual audio signal
Delay Length Control: fine tuning of each individual delay length for each corresponding band to vary the spatialization
Optimized Transients Masking: delay lengths are optimized to each band to ensure perceivable transients get masked
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