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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » Roli FXpansion Cypher2 Vivid Sequences Soundpack
Roli FXpansion Cypher2 Vivid Sequences Soundpack

Presets | 4Mb

Vivid Sequences is a collection of beautiful presets that take advantage of Cypher2’s incredibly deep and powerful sequencer. Discover instant inspiration at your fingertips.

Every sound in the Vivid Sequences expander is a masterclass in step sequencing. Explore presets inspired by everything from Acid House to Kosmische Musik. With 50 5D presets and 50 2D presets that make full use of Cypher2's expressive and flexible sequencer, there's plenty to inspire your creativity and add something special to your next production.

Includes: 50 x MPE and 50 x Standard presets

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 188 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Soundpack, vivid, Roli, Cypher2, FXPansion, Sequences | Rating: 0.0/0
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