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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » Roli Equator2 Mighty M5 Soundpack
Roli Equator2 Mighty M5 Soundpack

Presets | 332Mb

The Macbeth M5 is a legend amongst analog synthesizers, and was hand-built by Scottish synth wizard Ken Macbeth. Less than 100 were made, and now you can have the sound of this rare synthesizer inside Equator2 and ROLI Studio. Comes with 350Mb of meticulously sampled instruments licensed from sound-designers, Boxed Ear.

Includes: 70 x MPE and 70 x Standard presets

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 216 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Equator2, Roli, M5, Soundpack, Mighty | Rating: 0.0/0
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