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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » Roland Cloud SuperNATURAL Electric Piano 1 for Fantom
Roland Cloud SuperNATURAL Electric Piano 1 for Fantom

Samples » presets, patches, impulses | 70 MB

This collection of electric pianos from the ‘70s and ‘80s range from bell-like clarity to warm and gritty. Using our Behavior Modeling technology, these tine-style EPs sound and feel like the real thing with authentic tone, natural dynamics, and fine details like adjustable mechanical noise. EP-friendly vintage effects are also on hand, including the famous BOSS CE-1 Chorus and Roland SDD-320 Dimension D. With FANTOM’s powerful Scene capabilities you can chain up to three effects—including your choice of preamplifier—for unique custom tones.

•Authentic tine-style EPs from the ’70s and ’80s
•Organic sound and responsive feel with our Behavior Modeling technology
•Adjustable mechanical noise to suit your taste
•Vintage BOSS and Roland effects perfectly suited for EPs

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 246 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Fantom, Cloud, for, Roland, electric, Supernatural, Piano | Rating: 0.0/0
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