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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » Rocket Powered Sound Riot For Serum
Rocket Powered Sound Riot For Serum

Serum presets | 182 MB
Links update: 05/11/2023

Artists like Virtual Riot are taking the Dubstep scene by storm, introducing never-before-heard basses that make your head bang.

This is why we created Riot For Serum.

Riot for Serum puts the power of professional bass design directly into your hands, giving you the power to create unforgettable drops that blow your listener's minds.

By using hundreds of the most jaw-dropping sounds we've ever created in Serum, you'll find it difficult to run out of inspiration.

Today is the day your music becomes extraordinary.

Here's whats inside:

175 Mind-blowing Serum Presets
125 Versatile wavetables
3 Epic bonus packs

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 333 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Riot, Sound, for, rocket, Serum, Powered | Rating: 0.0/0
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