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Home » WiN » Rob Papen Vecto v1.0.0 Incl Cracked and Keygen PROPER
Rob Papen Vecto v1.0.0 Incl Cracked and Keygen PROPER

Team R2R | Feb 24 2019 | 71 MB

Vecto was originally created for the Propellerhead Reason RE platform, however we have received many requests asking if this great synthesizer also could be available for other platforms.
So here it is!

Vecto is a four-oscillator vector synthesizer that allows users to draw in vector paths to shape the sound in many different ways. Included are a large range of oscillator waves, plus sampled waveforms and lots of different modulation options and preset vector paths to help create the unique Vecto sound!

Due to the interesting range of waveforms, from classic analog modelled ones, Additive, Spectrum and high quality sampled waveforms, the sound options are dazzling deep! Two filters are added with 28 Filter types and 2 top notch effect processors finish the audio route with blister. A lot of interesting modulation options and creative features are added in Vecto, including an arpeggiator.

PROPER NOTE : The installer of cracked release by VR is bad, it does not
satisfy the developer's installation specification. It causes compatibility
issue with their other products.

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Russian users - use VPN to download! Our links do not work for Russia and possibly some other countries!

Category: WiN | Views: 713 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: cracked, v1.0.0, Incl, rob, Vecto, PROPER, Papen, Keygen, and | Rating: 0.0/0
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