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Home » Tutorial » Rob Papen RG v1.6.2b
Rob Papen RG v1.6.2b

Team R2R | Dec 24 2016 | 78 MB

RG is a unique groove plug-in that is far more than just a "virtual Rhythm Guitar player ! By using the RG onboard sequencer it is possible to create classic Rhythm Guitar grooves, but beyond that you can use the synthesizer features and effects to make fresh new edgy guitar grooves. To play the grooves RG is using a keyboard layout of "major chords" and "minor chords", each with two sequence patterns (A or B ) option.

It is only a matter of hitting a single note in the major keyboard range or minor keyboard range and the groove plays. The sound sets are clean sampled guitars, which gives you great freedom and flexibility when using the synthesizer features and effects of RG.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 1019 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: rG, v1.6.2b, Papen, rob | Rating: 0.0/0
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