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Home » iOS, Android » Roadwriter for Songwriting v2.1.4 for Android
Roadwriter for Songwriting v2.1.4 for Android

Songwriting for Mobile Thinkers Made Simple
Links update: 01/07/2018

RoadWriter is the premier songwriting app for songwriters, recording artists and music industry professionals who need to remain creative on the fly.
Its sleek design has been crafted to transform your ordinary notepad into a platform fit for musicians.
RoadWriter has developed 3 modes to aid in transitioning your idea into your next hit record: Rehearsal Mode, Performance Mode, and Ad Lib Mode. While Rehearsal Mode enables you to select your instrumentals and craft full songs with song structure (bridges, hooks, coda, etc.), Performance Mode gives you a full screen of your finished song in easily readable text against a contrasting background. Quickly edit any changes on the spot and set your auto scroll so that you can continue to deliver vocals in a performance setting or recording booth. Don’t have time to write but have an idea or a line or that catchy hook that just popped into your head? Ad Lib Mode takes care of you with the ability to record over an instrumental track you designate or, go for it a cappella. The Album Organizer helps songwriters group songs into a collection for better organization.

RoadWriter features:

o Simple and effective formulation of songs with instrumental tracks in the same interface

o New widget takes you directly to each of the three modes.

o Voice recording to a wave file.

o 5 second skip back and skip forward to efficiently rehearse section of song.

o Auto replay of song

o Automatic progress save when receiving a call

o Auto-scrolling and optional text sizes with permanent backlight

o Share option to send lyrics via email, text, Dropbox, etc

o Quick Edit feature allows on-the-spot changes to lyrics when in recording environment

o Backup/Restore feature to provide easy recovery of lyrics

o Delete multiple songs at once

o Search Option of existing song list to easily find a song by title or content.

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Also translated to the Spanish and Korean languages!

Updated frequently.

Mobile Lyric Writing Apps Just Received a Makeover.

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Category: iOS, Android | Views: 1325 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: v2.1.4, Songwriting, android, for, Roadwriter | Rating: 0.0/0
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