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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » RF Music Comp87 MB v2.0.1 [WiN-OSX] Incl Keygen
RF Music Comp87 MB v2.0.1 [WiN-OSX] Incl Keygen

Team R2R | April 29 2017 | WiN 3.8 MB | OSX 7 MB

Comp87 MB is a multi-band compressor plug-in. In MB version of Comp87, the input signal is divided into 3 bands (Low, Mid and High) and each band is being processed separately. At the end these bands come together as a single signal and go through the 4th compressor. In addition to compressor there are saturation and stereo separation controls.

The goal was to design a compressor which is smart, fast and easy to use. Two main knobs (Compress and Ratio) control and adjust multiple internal parameters to shield the user from unnecessary tweaks to threshold, curve, gain, makeup, attack and release. Although most controls are included to keep the flexibility.

Two frequency separators, Low-Mid (LMF) and Mid-High (MHF), control the frequencies in which the signal is being split in 3. Each band has its own set of controls like ratio, compression, saturation, ON/OFF, Solo/Mute and etc.

Multi-Band compression is an essential part of modern mixing and mastering process and we hope you find Comp87 MB a useful tool in your projects.

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 816 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Keygen, Mb, rf, WiN-OSX, Comp87, v2.0.1, Music, Incl | Rating: 0.0/0
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