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Home » Sound Libraries » Retrospectrum Rubix Drum One-shots WAV
Retrospectrum Rubix Drum One-shots WAV

WAV | 11 MB

If you find inspiration from artists such as Night Drive, Kavinksy, and Mitch Murder and need to inject some neon into your tracks, then this pack is for you. The Retrospectrum team has crafted something new from something old with Rubix - Drum One-shots! This pack has analog synth builds that lead into pop and synthwave anthems and hooks that will throw you right back to the eighties. Rubix - Drum One-shots features Cymbals, Kicks, Percussion and Snare One-shots, for serious nostalgia boosts in your creative arsenal. RUBIX is bringing you everything you'll need for that extra embellishing on your new synthwave track.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 204 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: drum, Retrospectrum, One-Shots, Rubix, wav | Rating: 0.0/0
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