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Red Rock Sound Comp 609 v3.0.3 WiN

VST2/VST3 | 8.7 MB

Classic British Compressor. Comp 609 Immersive Dynamics.
Red Rock Sound Comp 609 recreates sound of the hardware compressor from ’70s. This dynamics processor packs a recognizable musical punch heard on countless records around the world. Designed from the ground up for fast, efficient work on mid/side, stereo and the objects, the beds (fixed channels) of immersive mixing environments.

- 6 Attack, 9 Recovery (Release) and 5 Ratio selections;
- External Sidechain and Sidechain signal High-pass filter;
- Support multichannel audio formats up to 7.1.4 and 9.1.6;
- Parallel compression;
- Up to 8x-oversampling and 64-bit floating point processing.

- Double click — reset to default value;
- Shift — reduce knob/fader sensitivity.
VST2 (Win)
Version 3.0.3 (Mar 3, 2023):
- Fixed Oversampling bug;
- Fixed Sidechain bug.

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Category: WiN | Views: 229 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Red, Sound, 609, win, rock, comp, v3.0.3 | Rating: 0.0/0
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