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Home » WiN » Reason RE Rob Papen RPDistort v1.0.4
Reason RE Rob Papen RPDistort v1.0.4

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RP-Distort is not just a distortion unit, but much more. The distortion unit inside RP-Distort can be combined with an analog modeled filter, compressor, and widener unit. The distortion unit offers 33 distortion types included ring modulator and lo-fi.

On top of that, the controls can be modulated using midi sources or by one of the 4 build in LFOs that can sync to your host tempo.

The distortion unit offers 33 distortion types included ring modulator and lo-fi. RP-Distort is a wicked FX unit that will distort or alter your tracks in an inspirational way.

These units can be re-order, but also can be turned on or off. So in case you only want a great analog modeled filter... RP-Distort can offer this. Or only the unique widener unit which is great for widening a boring mono track.

On top of that, the controls can be modulated using midi sources or by one of the 4 build in LFOs that can sync to your host tempo.

The distortion unit offers 22 distortion types included ring modulator and lo-fi. Inside this section, you can also find the EQ and noise-gate.

RP-Distort is in fact a wicked FX unit that will distort or alter your tracks in an inspirational way.

Latest version: 1.0.4
- Added internal limiter on/off button in the backplate, this can help with clipping distortion with high volumes.
- Added smoothing to widen the amount to reduce clicking when changing it.
- Fixed problems with a tooltip showing Two Band Cos Low Frequency as Amount.
You need R2R's Reason release and TEAM R2R Reason Rack Extension Cache Builder

Copy the RackExtension folder to
"%APPDATA%\Propellerhead Software\RackExtensions\"

Copy *.R2RRECACHE file to
"%APPDATA%\Propellerhead Software\R2RRECACHE\"

After you add new RackExtension(s), you need to rebuild the RE cache:
- Just run "RECacheBuilder.exe" from TEAM R2R Reason Rack Extension Cache Builder
- Cache file will be built.
- Done!

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Category: WiN | Views: 310 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: RE, rob, Papen, v1.0.4, Reason, RPDistort | Rating: 0.0/0
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