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Home » Sound Libraries » Rankin Audio UK House and Garage WAV
Rankin Audio UK House and Garage WAV

WAV | 290.24 MB
Links update: 06/03/2024

This bass filled library sets you up with everything you need to craft a whole bunch of bangers. From swung 2 step beats to pumping, beefy basslines, nostalgic chords to screwface bass shots, jazz-inspired synths to warm, processed vocals, feel-good piano loops to dusty filtered pads, lush keys to tribal percussion loops, light plucked melodies to complex percussion patterns, classic house stabs to moody pads and more.

Construct your own loops with our library of one shots featuring nasty, wobbly bass shots, warm, gorgeous synth & pad shots, and a massive library of drum and percussion shots featuring pitched snares, crackling claps, glistening hi-hats, swung percussion noises and big, thumping kicks. This library has everything you need to kick start your muse into action.

In detail expect to find 530MB in 24 Bit Quality Wav Audio including 23 Bass Loops, 35 Drum Loops, 52 Music Loops, 17 Vocal Loops, 18 Bass One Shots, 33 Melodic One Shots, 18 Hat samples, 21 Kicks and 16 Snares and Claps.

•24 Bit Quality
•23 Bass Loops
•35 Drum Loops
•52 Music Loops
•17 Vocal Loops
•18 Bass One Shots
•33 Melodic One Shot
•18 Hats
•21 Kicks
•16 Snares and Claps

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 1682 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: garage, wav, and, Rankin, Audio, UK, House | Rating: 0.0/0
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