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Queen Chameleon 90s Pop Vocals WAV

WAV | 21.29 MB

"Oh dag," let's bring it back! Reminiscing this unforgettable time period in music history; here are reinvented inspo's from your favorite 90's & 2000's Pop Artists like Mandy Moore, Britney Spears, S Club 7, The Spice Girls, even the Cardigans and Donna Lewis, with a slight modern touch in musical production. Vocals are written composed and produced by 'Queen Chameleon'; inspired by Max Martin moods and all of your favorite yummy 1 -3 -5 ear candy pop charm harmonies. This was Queen Chameleon's favorite era of music that she grew up in. Samples are unedited and raw for your own production freedom. Samples are 105 BPM easily importable to any DAW and ready for mixing and editing. Happy producing DM @QueenChameleonSounds on IG for possible feature. Get it poppin'.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 265 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: 90s, Queen, wav, Pop, Vocals, Chameleon | Rating: 0.0/0
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