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Pulsed Records World Series: Quenacho WAV

WAV | 127.5MB

'World Series: Quenacho' by Pulsed Records continues the series eaturing unique instruments from around the globe with 150 phrases of the quenacho flute, a wind instrument from South America.

The quenacho (also known as "kenacho" in English) is a low-toned version of the quena flute, that produces a very rich timbre. Mostly used by Andean musicians in South America, this instrument has a lower and deeper sound than the traditional quena.

These unique quenacho recordings can be used within a wide-range of genres, such as Cinematic & World music productions as well as integrated within electronic music tracks. Additionally, these flute recordings can be used within film, advertising, games and more.

Product Details:
- 180 Quenacho Flute Phrases
- 44.1kHz/24-Bit
- Compatible with all DAWs
- 100% Royalty-Free

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 388 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Series:, Quenacho, World, Pulsed, Records, wav | Rating: 0.0/0
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