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PSPaudioware PSP Wobbler v1.0.0

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PSP Wobbler is a modulation effect plug-in, inspired by and developed in collaboration with the legendary recording engineer, producer, and musician Alan Parsons. PSP Wobbler faithfully recreates the sound of Alan’s secret weapon, the Frequency Translator - a handmade experimental device built by Keith Adkins, which created the unique modulation effect heard on “Time” from Pink Floyd’s The Dark Side of the Moon.

PSP Wobbler uses frequency shifting to create non-harmonic phase differences that form a unique “wobble” with elements of phasing, flanging, and even a rotating speaker feel. It takes this sound well beyond the original Frequency Translator’s capabilities, adding controllable Drive, Ageing, Drift, and Spread, as well as tempo sync, a pair of EQ filters to control the effect’s frequency range, and more. Get ready to explore a range of modulation sounds that are as groundbreaking as the original hardware was!

Frequency shift up to ±25 Hz, manually controlled or set as a clock division of your DAW tempo

Frequency shift can be set to follow tempo changes or stay at a fixed amount through a song

Wobble amount is controlled via wet/dry mix

Drive and Age controls let you dial in saturation and character

Ageing modes for adding Drive / Age to wet signal alone or to both wet and dry signals

Separate controls for Feedback, thermal and voltage Drift, Phase, and stereo Spread

Adjustable lower and upper limits for effect frequency range
A witch says,

* No iLok Driver installation is required to run.

* Our release loads faster and uses less memory than legit version.

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Category: WiN | Views: 65 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: PSPaudioware, v1.0.0, PSP, wobbler | Rating: 0.0/0
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