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Home » WiN » PSPaudioware PSP oldTimerMB v1.2.0
PSPaudioware PSP oldTimerMB v1.2.0

WIN | 34.3MB

PSP oldTimerMB is a vintage-style multi-band compressor designed for demanding track processing, buss / mix compression, and mastering. Our aim in developing this plug-in was to design a high end multi-band processor based on the algorithm from our best-selling PSP oldTimer compressor.

The result is a musical and warm sounding processor with a range of controls making it a vital tool for virtually any kind of music. The switchable and adjustable output valve emulation stage gives you a choice of additional colors to the sound.
A witch says,

* No iLok Driver installation is
required to run.

* Our release loads faster and uses
less memory than legit version.

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Category: WiN | Views: 293 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: v1.2.0, oldTimerMB, PSPaudioware, PSP | Rating: 0.0/0
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