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Home » Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill » Propellerhead Ryan Greene Alt Drums Vol.1 REFiLL DVDR-KRock
Propellerhead Ryan Greene Alt Drums Vol.1 REFiLL DVDR-KRock
Team KRock | 1.97 GB
Links update: 02/03/2020
High energy punk and rock needs hard hitting drums. Treat your tracks with this great collection of sampled drums by industry leading record producer Ryan Greene. Nine carefully recorded drum kits played by five outstanding drummers with three different microphone settings, all masterfully engineered and put together by a legendary punk rock producer. Now you can have it all.
The first Alt Drums ReFill features Ryan Greene’s own Pork Pie kit, used on a lot of Greene’s Punk/Fat Wreckchords productions throughout the years, as well as a a versatile Gretsch kit and a deep sounding vintage Leedy kit. An additional six snares are included, ranging from classic rock sound to heavier punk.
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Category: Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill | Views: 2114 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: DVDR-KRock, alt, propellerhead, Ryan, Greene, Vol.1, Drums, refill | Rating: 0.0/0
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