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Home » MiDi, SF, GIG, AKAi » Producergrind The MOOD PREMIUM MIDI and WAV Loop Pack
Producergrind The MOOD PREMIUM MIDI and WAV Loop Pack


22 Moody/Emotional Loops for you to flip into beats that stir up powerful thoughts & motivational feelings. This is not a standard trap loop pack, “MOOD” was carefully and strategically created to provide a batch of loops for creating emotional type beats. Every loop comes in MIDI + WAV format so you have complete creative control over the sound.

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Category: MiDi, SF, GIG, AKAi | Views: 804 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: wav, ProducerGrind, Loop, Premium, the, and, pack, midi, Mood | Rating: 0.0/0
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