Producer Loops Future Bass Essentials Volume 1-3 WAV MiDi

WAV MiDi | 429MB
'Lush Lo-Fi Anthems Vol 1' by Producer Loops is a hip hop sample pack that contains the analogue warmth and harmonic distortion that defines the lo-fi aesthetic. Inside, you'll find 5 construction kits, replete with piano, pads, synths and strings in addition to all the drum hits and FX you'll need to be grooving to another nostalgic lo-fi beat.
Crafted by a standard-setting producer, this sample pack boasts impeccable sound design paired with undeniable commercial appeal. These somber sounds, which are often harmonically distorted and tape saturated, capture the idiosyncracies that make the lo-fi vibe so perfectly imperfect.
......:::::: MIDI Files Included ::::::......
Like so many other Producer Loops products, 'Lush Lo-Fi Anthems Vol 1' includes MIDI files for the majority of musical phrases heard in each Kit, allowing you to seamlessly mix your favourite synths and samplers with the sounds contained in the pack.
......:::::: Advantages of MIDI ::::::......
While the supplied audio files are extremely flexible and powerful, MIDI has the added benefit of allowing you to go to extremes of pitch and tempo beyond which the loops were originally recorded, with no time stretching or pitch shifting artefacts. Furthermore, you can make tweaks to the riffs so they fit perfectly into your existing mixes.
......:::::: Dry/Wet Loops ::::::......
For users looking to simply drag and drop, the 'wet' files contain all of the effects processing heard in the audio demos. But for producers looking to create their own effects mix, 'dry' loops are also included. Don't like the wet loops? No problem; add your own effects.
......:::::: Unlooped Riffs/Tails ::::::......
This sample library also comes with unlooped/tail versions allowing you to end a phrase with the decay of the reverb/delay applied to the loop, another "Producer Loops" exclusive product feature.
......:::::: Royalty-Free ::::::......
All of the loops in this product are 100% Royalty-Free (including the vocal loops), so once purchased, you can use these loops in your commercial releases without having to pay any hidden costs.
......:::::: Product Specifications ::::::......
• Format: (.WAVs) & (.MIDIs)
• 5 x Construction Kits
• 5 x Mixed & Mastered FullMix/Preview Demos - (.WAVs)
• Key And Tempo-Labelled
• Complete Fully Mixed And Mastered
• 44.1kHz/24-Bit High Quality
• Compatible With All DAWs
• PC & Mac Compatible
• 100% Royalty-Free - (No Exceptions)
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