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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » Probability Pack by Sonic Faction for Ableton Live 10 Suite
Probability Pack by Sonic Faction for Ableton Live 10 Suite

ALP | 25.76 MB
Links update: 10/06/2024

A collection of creative MAX FOR LIVE sequencers that introduce probability and chance to your music.

Probability Pack is a set of five creative sequencers that allow you to add controlled randomization to your composition and performance process. Each sequencer has a unique way of adding subtle or extreme randomization to patterns for unpredictable outcomes. Use these sequencers to generate new ideas, create variations of existing patterns, set up unpredictable, ever-evolving musical textures or combine them all to create complete chaos.

The sequencers were designed for hands-on use with Push, but hardware is not necessary to use them. Probability Pack also comes with custom presets designed by Sonic Faction to show off the expressiveness of each device.

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 1209 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: pack, 10, by, Probability, Sonic, Suite, live, Ableton, for, Faction | Rating: 0.0/0
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