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Home » Sound Libraries » Pro Sound Effects : Detonate Surround WAV
Pro Sound Effects : Detonate Surround WAV

WAV | 1.37GB

Ignite your projects with the punchy presence and immersive depth of pristine exterior explosion sound effects in 5.1 surround and stereo.

Detonate is a specialty sound effects library of high-resolution explosions, blasts, bursts, and impacts curated from the personal collection of Academy Award®-winning sound editors Mark Mangini (Dune) & Richard L. Anderson (Raiders of the Lost Ark).

Delivered in both 5.1 surround and stereo, these detonation recordings and designs pack a lot of punch up front with a very spacious slap from nearby mountains. Blow it up with massive boom sound effects from dynamite, artillery, and C4 - perfect for sound designing bombs, grenades, cannons and anything else that explodes. The depth, detail, sharp transients, and powerful LFE channel make these sounds perfect design elements for your projects including film, TV, trailers, games and beyond.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 323 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: pro, Detonate, Effects, wav, Surround, Sound | Rating: 0.0/0
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