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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » Prime Loops Damaged Dubstep Massive Presets NMSV
Prime Loops Damaged Dubstep Massive Presets NMSV

NMSV | 132.45 KB

64 cutting edge Dubstep Presets for Massive synth from Total Samples, professionally programmed for modern Bass Music.

Do you need a little filth to spark up your tunes? Are your sounds not quite as deranged as you'd like?

Damaged Dubstep Massive Presets will give you all the tools you need to morph those dirty basses and screaming synths into shape. Hugely versatile and adaptable to every situation, these presets are ready made to shine in your mix and deliver that pro quality sound.

Anyone after the screeches and basses reminiscent of Zomboy, MUST DIE!, Datsik, Excision, Kill The Noise, Getter and more need look no further, everything you need to make your own heavily damaged track is right here.

All presets royalty free for use in your own tracks.

64 Presets for NI Massive

14 x Synths
20 x Bass
10 x FX
9 x Leads
6 x Plucks
5 x Arps

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 613 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: presets, massive, Prime, Dubstep, Damaged, Loops, NMSV | Rating: 0.0/0
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