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Home » Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill » Precisionsound Angelic Vocal Pads Vol 1 KONTAKT HALiON-DISCOVER
Precisionsound Angelic Vocal Pads Vol 1 KONTAKT HALiON-DISCOVER
DISCOVER | 15 March 2013 | 207.65 MB
Links update: 30/07/2018
Angelic Vocal Pads, the latest release from Precisionsound, is designed to put the sound of a choir of angels at your fingertips.
Angelic Vocal Pads (AVP) is a new sampleset for Gigasampler, HALion & Kontakt samplers. Precisionsound calls it "The missing link between the workstation synthesizer choirs and real classical choir samples.”
These Enya "sound alike” vocal pads have been recorded with two different female singers, alt and soprano. The pads include samples of each singing "AAA”, "OOO” & "MMM”, note by note chromatically, treated, filtered and seamlessly looped.
Each SampleSet contains:
3 programs for the Gigasampler versions (16 bit 44.1KHZ Stereo); "Normal”, "Slow attack” and "No release”
5 programs for the HALion, Kontakt versions (24 bit 44.1 KHZ Stereo): "Normal”, "v1″,”v2″,”Velocity” & "Mix”

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Category: Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill | Views: 1516 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Kontakt, vol, pads, Angelic, HALiON-DISCOVER, vocal, Precisionsound | Rating: 0.0/0
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