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Home » Sound Libraries » Polyphonic Music Library Sweden WAV
Polyphonic Music Library Sweden WAV

WAV | 153 MB

Sweden is a collection of 15 Analog drum breaks that dive deep into the Psychedelic & Prog Rock world of Swedish drum recordings between 1973 -1977. Including over 155+ 1 shots of Kicks, Snares, Hi Hats, Congas, Bongos, Cymbals, and Percussions. These are the perfect breaks for any sound designer looking to get inspired by to write chords or find melodies outside the tradition 4/4 metronome clicker.

Each break has its own distinct texture, character, swing, multiple fills and ghost notes to keep the breaks not sounding repetitive. Recorded and processed thru tons of analog tube gear, vintage mics, natural room reverbs and tape machines to give each break the characteristic and texture of a mid 70s drum break you would find on an obscure Swedish Pscyh or Prog record.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 188 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Music, wav, Sweden, Polyphonic, library | Rating: 0.0/0
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